Investigative Journalism (period 6)

Here are the newscasts for my 8th grade English class (period 6). Please leave a thoughtful, encouraging comment for these writers.

89 thoughts on “Investigative Journalism (period 6)

  1. Three juniors were standing in a circle, passing cigarettes around to each other. They lit the cigs and started smoking. A middle school boy could barely see through all that smoke. As he walked past, they looked at him in a strange way. He thought in his head, are they going to peer pressure me into trying it?
    There are a bunch of kids going to the Beverly Hills high school. There are quite a few of them who smoke or do drugs. When they smoke and see a kid walk by they want them to try smoking because the kids who do say it will make them cool (by the way it doesn’t make you cooler it makes you die faster). So they peer pressure them into saying may get you girls or maybe because for the looks. They also let them try for free for the first time so they want to get more.
    Research says that 23% of high schoolers use tobacco products, and more than 90 percent of those teens smoke cigarettes, cigars, hookahs or pipes. Nearly 9 out of 10 cigarette smokers first tried smoking by age 18, and 99% first tried smoking by age 26. Each day in the United States, more than 3,800 youth aged 18 years or younger smoke their first cigarette, and an additional 2,100 youth and young adults become daily cigarette smokers.
    A survey at the El Rodeo School shows that in Mrs. Stuart’s sixth period class, 15 out of 25 students know juniors in high school who smoke and 10 of them don’t know juniors that smoke.
    If you go to highschool and know someone who smokes, you should act fast. Starting telling the smokers that there are many ways to quit. Some of the ways that can help you quit are chewing nicorette gum, e-cigs, and maybe even therapy.


    1. I like the way you conveyed a large social issue, and pictured the boys smoking. I also liked the way you included some possible solutions for the issue


    2. I like how there is data showing how many teens smoke, and how many people die each day. It connects to the first paragraph making it flow.


    3. I strongly agree that these days high school kids are using tobacco products and they are trying to get younger ones to try it too. This is not good at all and we need to try solve that problem as fast as we can. I really like how he told some good ways that can help quit it.


    4. i like where it says (by the way it doesn’t make you cooler it makes you die faster) because it is true you shouldn’t do drugs because they could kill you.


    5. I like how you said “by the way it doesn’t make you cooler it makes you die faster.” I think that’s really important thing to know for smokers. When I’m walking home there are some people smokes in front of me and acts cool. I really agree with this newscast
      Good Job!


    6. I agree with you and your topic is very important because some people are addicted to drugs and just cant stop and they end up with lung cancer and start dying.


    7. I liked how you talked about what are some steps that you can take to stop smokers from smoking.I also liked that you told us how both the smoker and the second hand smoker feels.😎


  2. Their bodies are still developing. They are not grown adults. At what age should it really be allowed to give a child a cellphone? According to a study done at Yale in 2015 on students all over the campus including teachers, about 80% of teens between 12 and 17 own a cellphone and about half of those own a smartphone. Some parents argue against the idea that a young child owning a cellphone is absurd because of the fact that the phone can affect their young and still developing brain. However, at the same time parents are in favor of the idea and counter by claiming children have responsibilities and emergencies occur when the parents are not around and cannot be there immediately to help their child.

    Can it really affect an adolescent’s health? Statistics show that when your phone is in your pocket or next to your brain, it emits radioactive waves, which are absorbed. Too much of these waves can cause brain or reproductive cancer. Some parents are oblivious to the dangers of having a cell phone and continue to give their children phones.

    Social media also takes a toll on the daily lives of many kids with cell phones. 92 percent of teens who have a cellphone go on a social media website and 24 percent say they check their social media accounts “constantly” according to the Pew Research Center. Looking down at a phone has become a common posture. Due to the overuse of cell phones verbal communication would not be a normal thing as it is in today’s society. Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have been a part of everyone’s daily life. Social media platforms have doubled in users in the past 3 years.

    Social media has its ups and downs. The enjoyable side of these sites is that you can talk to your friends and post pictures to make others jealous. However, on the other side there is cyber bullying. Yale studies also show that over 25% of teens report that they have experienced cyber bullying or witnessed it and an outstanding 95% of those young people have ignored it and went on with their lives as if nothing ever happened. Some show graphic pictures of self-harm; paragraphs after paragraphs of hate and this can cause suicide, which has tragically happened before. In 2014, the anti-bullying association reported that 11 percent of teens have taken embarrassing or damaging photos without the subjects consent. Suicide has become a public health problem with more than 30,000 suicide deaths from social media in the United States every year.

    An example is Ryan Halligan. Ryan was a troubled child and his parents, John and Kelly Halligan had early concerns of his academic and physical capabilities that made him a usual target for a particular bully at school from fifth to seventh grade. Ryan expressed an embarrassing story to his newly found friends but bullies took advantage of his trust and decided to start a rumor that Ryan was gay or into his own gender. Ryan had another unusual friendship with a pretty, popular girl through a social media website named AOL. In October of 2003, Ryan was found hanging from a rope in the family bathroom. Ryan had hung himself, Later in the bathroom a file of the messages exchanged with her and Ryan throughout the summer were found. Sadly, it turns out that this story is one of many other.

    As a parent, the choices your child makes on the Internet starts with your decision of getting your child a phone. But if you really want to buy your child a phone think about safer options. For example, the Kurio Phone. The Kurio is a smartphone developed from Samsung so parents would have a 24/7 idea of what their child is doing. It features a tracking device with GPS where you, the parent can set safe and danger zones. It also includes a unique kid-safe Web-surfing feature so parents would never have to worry about their children stumbling across the wrong sites. Parents also have the ability to monitor any of the phone’s contacts, phone calls, text messages, or applications. There are many more options for your child. Taking this into consideration can you still prevent these acts of hatred and bullying?


    1. I love the story Daniel quoted great evidence and gave great facts and stories to back up his claim. I now realize this is a really big problem and i was unaware of the fact that this happened around the country because this does not happen in our school unless its on the internet. I enjoyed reading this and now i have more knowlage on this topic


    2. I really liked the facts that you gave from respected sources.I also liked this because it is a great question that is really not answered for the plain reason that there are too many factors.


  3. Smoking is like committing suicide very slowly. Almost every day a huge electronic billboard is lit saying “smoking deaths and counting this year.” In February of 2015, over 2,000,000 deaths were taken by cigarettes. Last year there were over 11 million deaths taken by the dreaded cigarettes reported in December of 2014. People who smoke do it for happiness or from peer pressure. What they don’t realize is that they not only get to enjoy killing themselves but they also kill other people too! Tons of people are sick and tired of smelling the horrible smell of burning tobacco on the streets of their neighborhood. This country is tripling our national debt instead of outlawing smoking and saving lives. Sometimes people wonder what they even do in the government. They should be waking up to the fact that this world will be flooded with water (global warming) if we don’t stop smoking. Smoking has no positive effect at all no matter how anyone thinks of it. You’re inhaling smoke! A three year old is smarter than the average smoker because if someone stuck a cigarette in a three year old’s mouth they would spit it out , unlike the average smoker who tries to look cool by killing themselves.

    Second hand smoke kills 40,000 Americans every year! Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the U.S., killing over 1,300 people per day. The tax on a pack of cigarettes in New York is $4.35 whereas in Missouri the tax is 17 cents. So, if you’re a smoker go to Missouri, home of the smokers because nobody wants you anywhere else. Each day, more than 3,200 kids under 18 try their first cigarette and about 700 kids become new, regular smokers. If you ask me that is way too much. Smoking costs the U.S. economy $356 million in direct healthcare costs and $411 million in lost productivity each day. That’s a major reason why this country has such massive debt. Secondhand smoke causes $5.6 billion in lost productivity in the U.S. each year, which means if we stopped smoking for one year we would be dramatically helping our national debt. Unfortunately, that will never happen! On average, over 95 kids try their first cigarette every hour in the United States—equaling more than 2,300 every day. Now all of these facts are just in the U.S., but imagine the positive changes that would result if every American smoker quit. This would be a large wake up call to the rest of the world and could potentially get rid of smoking for good!


    1. You addressed a large issue in today’s society and added ground breaking evidence that made me wonder what would happen is smoking wasnt that big of an appeal to the majority of people 🙂


  4. A male student at El Rodeo was bullying people online .On Friday Mr. Allen came to us during our P.E period. He said people have been racist,send bad stuff and talking about other people. Parents have been sending him screenshots of what they have been doing. He also said you have until 8:00pm tonight to delete the posts. He also said he will go to the head of police if one more account opens amd he will track it right back.

    You might wonder if others have had this experience. This is also happening all over the country. People on line are being rude and this isn’t a good thing. People should get in trouble for this. A lot of kids in El Rodeo school (6-8th grade) have parents that don’t want them to come to school because they are getting bullied. On some social media like instagram,facebook,twitter and snapchat people are sending embarrassing photos of other people to other people online.

    They are also saying bad things about other pt of 19 students in our class and counting the teachers 12 students have been cyberbullied and 7 has not.

    Administrators and parents could fix this problem. Administrators could suspend kids from school and parents could look at what their kids are doing. Also parents are taking away kids phone because of this problem. Acroding to eople. This is not a good thing because people could get their feelings hurt and this has happened to a lot of people and they have cried. Never bully never get in trouble. parents can look for sgins that their students are being bullyed. Such as avoiding technology,taking away from family time,avoiding coumpters and the last important things are bad grades and sleeping.


    1. I like this newscast because it talks about how students are bullying other students for no reason, and I think that it isn’t alright to do that. I agree with what you said that bullying can cause bad grades and you won’t be able to concentrate. I also think that bullying can cause people not to sleep very well because it plays games with your brain in a bad way.


  5. Picture this, a mother is walking by her daughter Jane while she is on the computer and notices that she keeps hiding the screen when her mother walks by. Then her mother finds out that Jane is making fun of someone else on via instant messaging because of a misunderstanding involving a boy named Max. The message included name ­calling, vicious and inflammatory statements,and even death threats. It turns out this was not an isolated incident.
    Cyber Bullying is something that is happening world wide and is out of control. The average cyberbully starts at age 9 and it can lead to negative emotional health, anxiety, depression and even suicide. Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online, 35% have been threatened online and 58% of them have not told an adult.
    Many kids don’t tell their parents that they’re being cyber bullied. Kids might feel embarrassed or ashamed to let their parent know that they have been targeted. They also might be afraid if their parent gets involved that it will make things worse. But, if a parent finds out their kid has been cyber bullied, it probably means the issue is big enough for a parent to intervene.
    You usually realize that they are probably being bullied when they might appear to be upset or angry after receiving emails, instant messages or text messages. They might begin to avoid using their mobile device or computer. Or, they begin to spend much more time texting or using social networks.
    A lot of teens think bullying online is easier to get away with than actually bullying in person. A bully is like a praying mantis; a praying mantis stalks its victim, often spying on it before seizing and eating it alive.
    Since 2007 the rates of lifetime cyberbullying victimizing have increased majorly. In 2007 18.8% and in 2015 36.4% have been victimized by cyberbullying. Adolescent girls are twice as likely to experience cyberbullying than boys. When being bullied 65.8% respond to the bully, 35% respond in person, 15.4% avoided school and 4.5% have been in a physical fight with their bully.
    The reason that some people bully is that they have problems at home and let out all their anger on other people. Divorce also has a huge impact on adolescence and children.
    Divorce rates rose a dramatic 79% in the United States between 1970 and 1977. There are about 1,250,000 divorces per year.
    It makes them act different in school. Divorce is almost always stressful for children. Most children do not want their parents to separate. Divorce also causes struggles for them.

    According to there are a few steps that parents can do to prevent cyberbullying before it starts.
    • To stay safe with technology, teach your kids to:
    • Refuse to pass along cyberbullying messages.
    • Tell their friends to stop cyberbullying.
    • Block communication with cyberbullies; delete messages without reading them.


    1. This is very true, people who cyber bully thing that they are superior on the internet. These are very good points to stop cyber bullying.


  6. Stone To Glass
    It all started when Steve Jobs invented the I pad this revolutionary product will start the revolutionary technology era. Do you think going digital is a step in the right direction for students.It is so much easier to have digital notes instead of paper notes. Many people might say that it isn’t worth the price.If we all have to carry backpacks filled with the amount of books that we need to have to give us the basic amount of knowledge we need to have to live a good live in this world how can we reduce the amount of books. This is a really bad and good thing at the same time.This means that the developers will have to make it easier for everyone to get their classwork done on their laptop or digital devices. In many schools, they are actually investing a decent amount of money of laptops. The big question is that is it even worth the investment to get the entire school laptops at the rate that they are getting outdated. You may be wondering at this rate maybe the computer will not even be outdated by a computer, but maybe a whole different breed of technology. This means that the computers won’t only be outdated, but because it is a different breed it will need a different type of carrier (WI-Fi). So WI-Fi won’t be supported and the computers won’t work. The biggest problem would be that there isn’t going to be a way to connect the next type of WI-Fi to the old generation technology.To avoid the issue they will have to make a special device just like the time we went from VCR’s to DVD players and CD players to this day they haven’t figured out how to do so. This is also before we had a printer and now everyone has one. Soon everyone will have 3d printers. They can even use it for their classes. This can be an extremely great revolution. So imagine the things that we can do if we were to have all our documents on our digital devices, not just the things we can do on the device but we can stop cutting trees.


    1. You make a really good point. When student’s get laptops or Ipads it might distract them from the material that they are learning?


  7. Life or Death

    It takes three seconds to view a text, and for a child or animal to step into the road. Research shows that 82% of Americans ages, 16-17 own cellphones. 52% have talked on a phone while driving. 34% have texted while driving. In 2013, 3,154 people have died and 424,000 were injured by reckless drivers, and in 2015 so far there has been 1.3 million crashes. It is not just teens who are texting and driving. There are adults who are also setting a very bad example for younger people. Picture this a parent driving and on a phone with a five or six year old child in the car, the child will think that its okay to do it when they grow up. Parents have to be careful of their actions while around kids. In some cases its not just the driver who is one their phones. If there is a teen driving with a lot of friends in the car, most of them will be checking social media or texting. It is like a chain. When one person in the car is on their phone, it attracts others sitting around them , causing one after another to check Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and more.

    According to a survey that I took a survey asking if it is okay to be on your phone at a red light while in the drivers seat, nine out of 12 people said its not okay. And three out of 12 said it is. My opinion is that its not okay because when you are at a red light and on your phone, the light could turn green and you could already be in a crash. There could also be major problems with honking and other sorts of things.

    When it comes to teens you can look around and almost everybody will be one their phones. Trying to go through the hallway to leave school is like splitting the dead sea. Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, and more distract most teens, causing work to be unfinished. After watching a couple episodes of his or her favorite tv show, it is likely that their homework assignments would be forgotten. The next day at school some excuses would be made. For example, I had a really long soccer or football practice, or it was not on jupiter. The truth is that they really didn’t care about the assignment and wanted to watch Netflix all night long, which would cause their grade to go down.

    One problem is that humans are texting and or checking social media constantly( Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Kik exct). While walking, people rather take selfies or try out new Snapchat face effects. There is an event that had happened in Hong Kong, where some girl was on her phone while walking. She was not checking her surroundings. When she was walking she had passed some signs saying that there was a sink hole ahead. But since she was on her phone the girl had not seen them. Sooner or later she was stuck in the sink hole. Luckily there was a man who had seen the hole thing happen. So he called the fire department for help. If that man was not there the girl would have not been saved. It turns out this story is one of many.

    Sometimes there are no rides or magical people like there are in Disneyland but, there was always something to take a photo of and then, boom! fell into a sinkhole, “appeared in the street”, hit a tree, and other crazy actions. Once saved or recovered form the injury. It might not hit their minds that they should be more cautious. Another major problem is texting and driving. So many teens and adults do it and can end up hurt and or killing so many. Once this happens the driver sometimes does not learn his or her lesson.

    Some people say they will stop their social media addictions while in the car and just in general, but that never happens. Steps can be taken to prevent texting and driving. Ten states plus D.C prohibit all drivers from using hand held phones. Letters can be written to the congress to enforce those laws in all of the 5o states. There is also technology for parents to use called the drive cam. It monitors the drivers activity and provides real-time feedback with video. In some places there are also lanes on the sidewalk for people to walk and go on their phones. It looks like street lanes but one lane is for slow, on their phone walkers and the other for in a hurry walkers. This prevents others form crashing into each other. Also major phone companies like At&t and Verizon are making tv commercials about car wrecks caused by texting and driving.The easiest way to help or prevent texting and driving is when somebody sees a friend or parent on the phone while driving, and just tells them to get off. So many people you know could get hurt at any moment; a family member, a best friend, a parent, sibling, wife or a husband. Cherish every moment you have with the closest people around you. It could happen in a day, week, month, or a year. No one is prepared for a life changing incident. An emotional shock will likely be felt. Is a text, a like, a comment, an email, a tweet, a notification, or a photo more important than somebody else’s life or even yours?


    1. I really like how you used many informations to show us how checking our phones every second or minute can be really dangerous for our life. You did a really good job on this and I am really happy that I read it.


  8. In teens, Anxiety is at the highest of their lives. Teens have so many things to worry about, which causes the rate of anxiety in teens to be far higher than that of adults. Teens have to worry about things such as grades, getting into college, maintaining a social life, being able to do leisurely activities, sleep, among other things. Over 8% percent of teens have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and many more that are undiagnosed.

    Only 18% of the teens who are diagnosed actually receive treatment. On average, anxiety disorders are more prevalent in girls, but can happen to both genders. Anxiety in teens can lead to substance abuse and depression.

    Many parents are unaware of their teens having severe anxiety, and this may just be because of ignorant parents. If parents don’t pay attention to their child, it’s almost impossible to get diagnosed, much less treated. Also, many parents underestimate the severity of serious diagnosed anxiety. “Suck it up.” is probably what most parents are thinking when teens approach them, asking for treatment.

    “Teachers shouldn’t have so much pressure put on students. They have Seven hours of school to worry about, and two hours of homework, not to mention the environment they learn in isn’t the cleanest.” says Ben Rashti, an Eighth grader at El Rodeo school.

    Sometimes, although it may sound stupid, anxiety can be counteracted just by controlling your breathing. According to the OCD Center of Los Angeles, deep breathing actually triggers the body’s relaxation response, which could just stop an upcoming anxiety attack. According to Psych Central, thinking about whatever your anxiety is about logically can solve the problem then and there. Saying things like “Is this worry realistic?” is a good way to stop anxiety. Sometimes, anxiety can be a contagious thing, that can transfer from a parent to their child. It is more helpful to calm yourself then you would think. When parents are calm, this can cause a domino effect, leading to the kids being calm.


    1. I like how you put opinions or observations from students in the school. You bring up a really good topic and parents need to get more involved in whats happening in their child’s life at school.


    2. I really like your newscast because it goes in to a lot of detail about teen anxiety and how it is bad thing in the teen society. I think you could have put a little bit more statistics about anxiety. Also I like how you put in a quote that someone in the class had said, this makes your newscast unique.


    3. Many parents are unaware of their teens having severe anxiety, and this may just be because of ignorant parents. this is good because if kids have anxiety they wont talk to there parents.


    4. I really liked the statistics and and the fact that you gave both sides of the story. I have one question, when did I say all of that, I remember saying most of it, but I didn’t like that you changed my words because now it isn’t a quote.


  9. Biased

    The clock struck 5 o’clock. Hutch stood with one foot on the field, and one on the top step of the dugout. He was looking at the quote on the inside of his hat.”There may be people that have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you.” -Derek Jeter. Hutch put on his hat, pushed off with his left foot and sprinted out to shortstop. After a whole summer of working his tail off, he was finally about to show that the smallest kid out there could be the best.

    Hutch was the best that day. All his hours on the field taking grounders finally paid off, as he scooped them up better than anyone out there. Hours in the cage paid off as well. Smashing balls off the back net of the batting cage and surprising all his coaches with the loud crack of his bat. Zipping throws to first base from shortstop. He was sure he had made it. He had been better than anyone. He had earned that spot. Even though he didn’t go to Harvard Westlake like most of the kids and was the smallest, he would still make it and he knew it.

    What Hutch didn’t know was that the coaches already had a place for Hutch, probably because he was small and was in competition with their most favored player. This is a common experience for people in sports.

    So, he was at first shocked and then livid with the coaches when they told him he was put on his old team. Even though he was better than anybody, it still wasn’t enough. The favorites episode was happening all over again.It turns out Hutch’s story is one of many.

    In all levels of sports, there are Biased people. Whether it’s a donors kid getting a spot, or the coaches kid. People are being treated unfairly in many ways. Some of these are race, religion and size.In fact, 90% of thirteen year olds say they have seen people treated unfairly in sports.

    Next time you see someone being unfair, do something.Open someone’s mind to see nothing except what matters, which is dedication, work ethic and skill. More importantly, open your own mind. Try to see what’s on the inside of people, not size, race or religion. This way, one at a time, we can start to make the world a better place.


    1. Extremely engaging storytelling and vivid descriptions. As a reader I wanted to hear more of what you had to say on the topic. Bias is an important issue that warrants expansion beyond the scope of sports. Great job. Keep going.


  10. Children Need Help

    Maybe child abuse isn’t as depressing as the event of 911, but it can impact many lives. This is a constant issue, that affects many people. This will continue to happen because, the victims of child abuse, will usually take out their anger on their children, and the victims will do the same to their own children. The issue will not stop, because its not possible to stop every parent from abusing their child. This issue has not stopped, and probably won’t stop for a very long time because, its only getting worse. Statistics show, that over the past 25 years, child abuse has increased over 130%. The most common types of abuse are, Neglect 62.8%, physical abuse 16.6%, sexual abuse 9.3%, emotional/psychological abuse 7.1%, medical neglect 2.0%, and any others 14.3%. Plenty of children are abused and killed, but 76.6 percent of these children, are 3 years old or younger.

    Child abuse can be punished with requirement of registering as a child sexual offender, termination of parental rights, ruined reputation, criminal record, supervised access with the child, physical or actual loss of enjoyment of the child, continual involvement with child protective agencies, and a 5-60 year jail sentence. Even though there’s a harsh punishment, many people seem to not care, and abuse their children. The majority of the abiders, are mentally ill, or are on a drug or medication of some sort that causes them to act strangely. Many people hope that there will be a stop to this major issue, somewhere in the future.

    How this solution will emerge, not many people know how it will be done. A good start, would be to have routine check ups with child protection services, and will be punished if they have abused their child. This system may work, but would be difficult to pull off because, there are to many parents, to do this check up regularly. Many believe, that child abuse can’t be stopped, because of how common this issue is.

    Some steps you can take to avoid child abuse, are to report any form of child abuse, to the authorities, or to call child protective services, to have the child relocated, and have the abusers punished accordingly. This will help the children feel loved, when in a foster home, and will hopefully, avoid the victims to become abusers of their own children. The majority of child abusers, were victims themselves. This is one of the main causes of child abuse. The other abusers, are often on medication or drug of some sort, or are mentally ill. This issue will be very difficult to stop, but many hope that there will be an end to this terrible issue, once and for all.


    1. I think this is one of the most important thing to the kids who gets child abuse because to stop child abuse i think we cannot stop child abuse by just telling the parents. So I think people should tell the kids who is getting child abuse, so they will not abuse their child in the future.


      1. I think that everyone should read this story. It is really interesting and it teaches us a lot. Children abuse is a serious problem today in our society and we should try as hard as we can to try to stop that problem.
        I really like how you used informations and this is great story which everyone should know about it.


  11. Different kinds of relationships are important because they teach lessons that could help in the future. It was the middle of the August and the sun began to set at the park. People were laughing, smiling, having a great time with their friends and families. Except a girl was setting on a bench by herself, with her head down and tears dripping down her eyes. Another girl noticed her so she walked over to her and talked to her for awhile. She said that her heart got broken by her ex boyfriend just now and that she’s sad about it. She felt that the world

    was crumbling into pieces. This type of relationship between a boy and girl. Another type is with family and friends. Sometimes, family can be hard to deal with in different situations, in fact, 30% of teens have fought with their parents or other family members since 2013. The relationship with friends can also be difficult since there are fights, makeups, and drama, but overall it shows you what to do and what not to do in future relationships, they teach lessons that better things will come when you’re ready for it.


    1. i like where it says It was the middle of the August and the sun began to set at the park. because people where having a great time it makes me picture it in my mind.


  12. Don’t Light Up

    Hagop Okajian was a very heavy smoker. He would smoke nearly three packages of cigarettes a day. About a year ago Hagop was feeling light headed and eventually passed out and was unconscious for about half an hour. After being hospitalized his diagnoses was a blocked artery in his neck. Hagop was extremely grateful that he did not have a stroke but this made him have a different perspective about his heath. Hagop is now smoking about one package a day, which is still terrible but in his case is a great improvement.

    Over the past generations, smoking has become a larger issue. Cigarette smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S. Most smokers don’t realize the effect a cigarette has on themselves and on the people around them. Second hand smoke has caused nearly 42,000 deaths from exposure. Smoking can cause lung cancer, blood cancer, heart disease, diabetes, poor vision, brain damage, etc. Teens especially are being harshly effected with cigarettes since they are becoming more common. Nearly 23% of high school students use tobacco products and more then 90% of teens smoke cigarettes. Nine out of ten smokers tried their first cigarette by age 18 Millions of teens are putting themselves at risk for early death. Maybe smoking wasn’t as terrifying as 911, but can leave people devastated.

    Recently a class of students was surveyed and asked three reasonable questions to help with understanding the effects smoking has on our generation. The first question was,” Can you tolerate the smell of smoke?” Ten out of thirteen students answered that they cannot tolerate the horrific smell of smoke. The second question was, “Do you know of a loved one who is a smoker?” Out of thirteen students eleven sadly know of a loved one who smokes. Lastly, the third question was,” Do you believe smoking should be illegal in all 50 states?” Eight out of thirteen said yes. The results of this survey indicate that young Californian students are overwhelmingly anti-smoking.

    Like global warming, smoking has a solution.Some steps you can take to stop smoking is by making it illegal or by having more local places to become a no smoking zone. The government has increased taxes on tobacco, which lead low- income smokers to reduce their consumption by a great percentage. Another possible solution is by educating the public more, especially in schools where the smoking habit is initiated. Schools are in a uniquely powerful position to help reduce the serious problem of smoking and other tobacco use by teenagers by creating programs. Some programs are addressing all aspects of tobacco use, including the short- and long- term negative health effects, social acceptability, social influence, etc. Hopefully by 2030 smoking will no longer be a serious life threatening issue to young kids and adults.


    1. i love the story, i can totally relate to this story because my topic was smoking too. i cannot tolerate any kind of smoking at all and i am glad Celine wrote about this because she gives great evidence to a cause worthy of abolishing.


    2. I like the way you included personal experience of a smoker, and the effects that smoking has, and I also liked how you included ways to stop smoking. Good Job!


    3. This is a really important topic that has to be fixed. I like how you put research about how many teens smoke. Smoking does not just effect that one person who is smoking. It effects every person who is around them. It is also bad for the Earth. I also liked how you put ways to stop smoking.


  13. 9/26/15 Newscast

    The world possesses many issues. It appears many stories have been made like this to inform you about what is actually happening presently throughout the world. Most of these problems are mainly caused by us inhabiting the world carelessly. A giant problem we are currently trying to solve it global warming. According to many scientists, we are the number one cause of pollution which is linked to global warming. Scientists are finding new ways to obtain energy without causing any pollution. For example, burning fossil fuels to get the energy we need plays a huge role in this. Scientists are trying to somehow use a different method. Some methods they have been trying is gathering solar energy, creating nuclear plants to study nuclear fusion and generate that instead of nuclear fission since the results from fusion are much greater. We should also build huge hydroelectric energy farms and wind farms. To top that all off, we don’t really work as a “team”, we sometimes hurt and compete with one another. For example, we hurt and compete with each other over stupid things and this is just holding us back from advancing and exploring new things. This shouldn’t really be happening even though we are the largest species currently inhabiting earth.

    Even though we are the cause of many horrible things on this planet, we also have influenced many great events. There are many great events we have sparked. For example, we can perform surgery saving many lives every single day. We can even perform surgery on other animals besides ourselves. Also, we are now beginning to take our discoveries and jurisdiction among earth to outer space. We are only doing this because we have uncovered the mysteries of the past and we’re eager to move on and see what the future beholds for us. Humans were forced to overcome many obstacles to get to where we are today. It’s just amazing how most other animals have been almost the exact same for over hundreds of years and yet, us, the humans, have evolved better and smarter over this time period. We have also discovered that we only use ten percent of our brain.

    Over the years, every human has somehow contributed to the life we live today one way or another, every event influences other events. We have learned to evolve and inhabit the earth. There comes a point in everybody’s life where they sit down and just think about how stupid or dumb they are because of the decision they had just made. The truth is that we aren’t perfect yet. We all make mistakes without knowing it. But we learn from our mistakes. This is what causes the future generations of humanity to keep becoming smarter and more intelligent. Without these mistakes, we just cannot learn how to become better. We underestimate a lot of opportunities which will always alter our future in every way. Every human who has discovered or created something remarkable has definitely made many mistakes to achieve their end product.


    1. love the story, it relates to my topic of smoking because smoking is one of the leading causes of global warming.You used great evidence and details. Great job!


    2. This is very true, everyone needs to take opportunities. I really like how your story was really interesting and I couldn’t stop reading it.


  14. BREAKING NEWS! ISIS has yet attacked another country with suicide bombers. At least 95 people died and 248 were injured at a train station in Ankara. Due to this tragedy, it seems like this will leave a mark in the history of Turkey, just like how it did in America for 9/11. Could ISIS create a long-lasting war? If so, which countries will be involved, and how will it end. People have been talking about it for a while now and a lot of people are depressed.

    The Prime Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu stated that, “There were two other suicide bombers that were caught in Istanbul and Ankara.” Unfortunately he has not stated on how to stop this. This devastating tragedy has been all over the news. Many civilians are no longer feeling safe because the terrorist managed to get into a train station and kill at least 95 people, many have lost their love ones and a lot of people were injured. Also some families are in tears and are depressed due to this tragedy. Parents don’t let their children go to public places alone anymore.

    When we look at our recent history, the world has not been this close to another great war. US and Russian forces are already sending military power. However, even if there is going to be a war, it could be a proxy one, and most likely it will take place in the middle east. In my survey that I did in class, 50% of respondents said that ISIS can spark a world war. Not only ISIS but there are many other terrorist groups that are causing huge problems in the region, PKK is another terrorist group that terrorizes the middle east for at least three decades.

    As it seems, ISIS has two goals, the first one is to unseat Assad in Syria. The second one is to establish a new balance in the middle east.

    When the participants were asked to name the countries that have problems with ISIS, they named mostly the countries from the middle east besides the US and Russia. However, we all know that ISIS is a problem for the whole world.

    Terrorism has no boundaries, will countries in the middle east fall such as Syria and Iraq, or will they rise and fight back with help from countries such as America and European ones. This is a major issue that needs to be solved.


    1. I think we should really attack ISIS before they become to powerful. Even though we attack right now and gets soldiers killed, in the future, if ISIS becomes too powerful too many innocent people might die. Just like how they attack Turkey.


    2. I was fascinated with you newscast and I believe that this is a huge issue in the world today and I agree that it should be solved immediately. I also enjoyed reading some of your solutions to this issue and the detailed facts that were added.


  15. Technology ruined our childhood

    A mother was sitting in a park surfing the internet and reading through her Facebook page, while her child wandered off. However, she was so engrossed in it that she didn’t notice that her child had fallen down a slide and landed directly on its head, suffering a skull fracture and severe concussion. While this story is tragic, cell phones can cause a smaller, but still harmful problems.

    Mobile phones have become a part of our everyday reality and without them, life would be unthinkable. An average family today has a number of mobile phones and their users are both parents and children.
    Numerous studies show different results regarding whether mobile phones are useful and whether their overuse has harmful effects on health. Also, we hear about electronic abuse via phones, about disturbing or threatening messages, pornographic and sexual material, video records of fights and other violent behavior. Some kids are posting this things so they can become more popular. But, they are not thinking about results of their actions.

    However, these days every child uses phones, laptops, TV, etc., texting to their friends or playing video games. What’s important nowadays is how many likes you get for a picture, while back in old days the most important thing was your friends and the time you spent with them. Kids were always in front of their houses playing hide and seek and similar games.

    The increased interest in TV, laptops, and Internet is starting to turn into a habit among modern-day children, who stay up late at night and even carry their cell phones to bed with them in order to stay connected with the entire world via the Internet, regardless of the time difference.
    School children should have between 10 and 11 hours of sleep every day, but they are so preoccupied with social networks and spend so much time online.
    Mostly people between age 12 to 24, spend most of their time on social networks, suffer much more from sleep deprivation than other age groups. Lack of sleep is a serious threat to health, behavioral and mental stability, as it disrupts the biological rhythm. Sleep or a lack of it can affect academic performance, mood throughout the day, family relationships, etc. Getting enough sleep is important for health, safety, and academic success of students.

    Among lack of sleep there is on more major problem which is maybe more worse. That problem is parents forgetting their kids.
    It is really sad that parents are teaching their children to get used to technology from a very early age. Whenever they start crying, parents give them their mobile phone or iPad, hoping that they will fall a sleep, stop crying, or simply be quiet. That’s not very good, because children need to feel their parents’ love and have a sense of home. That is what children today are missing. They usually don’t show it, but they need to feel loved and be happy, or otherwise they can get into bad habits, choose wrong friends, or even turn to drugs and alcohol.

    Due to all this, we can draw the following conclusion: there should be a time for learning, time for sports and recreation, and time for the Internet and other leisure activities, nicely balanced and distributed throughout the day, which is why children need to be taught to develop their time management skills. It’s not about trying to quit technology altogether; it’s simply trying to use it less by doing some sport activities, or drama, and music. Even if some kids feel away from their parents they should propose some excursions, trips, or at the end of the day they can talk about how was their day and comment it.
    Overall try to live more social and healthier life. It’s good for you and for your surroundings.


    1. I really like how you added a lot of facts and statistics. Also I like how you explained the negative effects technology has toward us. Really helped me understand our society.


  16. Weather in Beverly Hills

    Have you guys ever thought that the weather is dangerous? When the weather is too hot, some people can get heat stroke. In japan some people get heat stroke in the middle of the road and causes car crashes or even death. Some students in the school gets heat strokes. The weather in California, Beverly Hills October is very humid weather but in August and September was like the earth’s core for everyone. Lots of stuff can be caused by the heat. Picture this, you are in a car, driving and a person gets a heatstroke right in front of you. Wouldn’t that suck?
    8th grade Student in El Rodeo School said “The weather is weird and annoying.” By Bartu Geyik.
    5 out of 6 people agreed with Bartu Geyik. Other student Brian Avakyan said “The weather changes from hot to cold really often and it is annoying.”
    Mrs. Justin, one of the teacher in El Rodeo school said “Very worried about the Elnino. ”
    Lots of students are having trouble with the heat.Such as, students gets tired and because of the heat and students becomes not active during school. El Rodeo A/C is not working in some classes so some of the students are even madder. Heat could also give students stress. When the students are studying, they are not able to concentrate on their work because of the weather.
    According to the scientist research, the weather is actually cooling since the year 1990. Some scientist says that it is more like global cooling than global warming. Some scientist say that the global warming ended 10 years ago and it is decreasing 1 F each decade. Students in El Rodeo does not believe that. 9 out of 10 people said that it will not be colder in the future. But people still believe or feels that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. 134 F was measured on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch, Death Valley, California, USA. Which is the hottest day.
    Fun facts about people. Out of 20 people, 11 people claimed that the weather is better when it’s colder. 9 people claimed that it should be hotter. So almost half of peole wants the weather cold and other half wants the weather to be hot.
    The weather is strange, and us humans cannot do anything to change the weather, unless humans work together and stop the carbon dioxide to be released when fossil fuels — such as oil and coal — are burned for energy. What will happen in the future? Will it be colder? Or will it be hotter? We will never know. People can take these steps. Its simple, just keep calm and turn on A/C.


    1. Who the story about? Me and Nolan both collided into each other. What happened? We were both playing football and the quarterback throw a Hail Mary and i was trying to intercept it and ran right into Nolan and hit my toe at the same time. When did it happen? At 2:25 at the pe field playing football. Where on the primary playground.Why because I was trying to go for the ball and I ran into him really hard. That is my story I hope you enjoy it a lot . I would like to introduce to you a kid that broke his beautiful toe playing football. Hi my name is Juan and I going to be talking about my broken toe. So this is how my broken toe got broken and it is very long so sit back in enjoy the show and turn off your phones please because I want you to pay close attention to this story.My toe got broken by playing a hard sport flag football and I should of never went for that ball but I did and I regret every second every minute. After that I went to the nurse because I think it was broken and that is not good because everyone is waiting for me to go to the game to play with them in the championship and I can’t because I broke my toe.So I have to wait 4 weeks to play sports again and that was really heartbroken because I wanted to play really play.So that is the ending I love you all and don’t try want I did because it will back fair on you in life and your career. Wait guys I forgot to say something when your playing a sport don’t get argues get smart because they don’t now how the game is supposed to go at all.So beat them at your on game and work hard. I am going to be talking about injury and how they can effect sports. so first that’s stared off with the injury when your playing sports you can get a bad injury and you cant play sports every again and that’s why I will learn next time.


    2. I like how you added specific quotes that people have said. I never knew that people can just get a heatstroke in their car in Japan. I think you should have put in how many people have gotten a heatstroke in the world.


    3. I really like how you added quotes from other peoples point of view, you were also very descriptive by using numbers which made it easier for the readers to understand.


  17. Reza sits down with his friends for lunch. He has just got a tray from the El Rodeo Cafeteria filled with Nachos, He dips a chip into the cheese, but it doesn’t feel like cheese, but a rubbery plastic substance. “What the heck!” Exclaims Reza, disgusted about what he just witnessed. What if this happened to you? What if you ate the disgusting food everyday? Those are questions the reader should think about. But what to other kids in El Rodeo think of the food?

    ” I think it’s horrible,” said 8th grader Ethan Stambler.

    ” I have to say, it’s really disgusting,” said another 8th grader Josh Golbary.

    “I love it. Just kidding, I hate it.” recited 8th grader Mohammad. This article conducted a survey if people like the cafeteria food or not. Out of 25 students, 17 said no, 2 said yes, 3 people said it’s ok, and 2 people said that they haven’t tried it before. More than half of the population surveyed said no. That is a big problem when the food being served is hated by the majority of the people that are being served. You can say they can bring lunchboxes, but lots of kids don’t have the time to make it. You can tell that most of the kids hate the food, but how about the teachers?

    “I think it tastes horrible.” Said English Teacher Mrs. Stuart. Not only do people think it’s bad, it’s also overpriced, almost like the cost of a Disneyland ticket. For example, a slice of cold Pizza is $5, when at a pizza place like Dominoes you can get a whole freshly made pizza for $10, which has 8 slices. In past years they had slushie machines with a meal for $5 but now you only get a terrible tasting drink. It seems like the only good food in the Cafeteria are the snacks, and that makes kids take more than one of them.

    There have been many reports of people taking more than one bag of snacks. The most popular are Scooby Snacks, which people often take more than 5 on their tray. Some even take 2 or 3 drinks. But why do people do it? Witness accounts say that the school doesn’t have enough food to fill the kids up. Another theory is that the food is so disatisfactory that people take mostly snacks to fill them up. These scenarios are not a good concept beause these snacks are unhealthy and students need to get their daily nutrition and will be too tired to learn.

    These are just some of the reasons that the El Rodeo food should be changed. You the reader can help spread this cause by writing to the city or talking to Mr. Allen, and maybe one day we can have the cafeteria food changed!


    1. I really liked the different examples you have and having witnessing these things along with you I know for a fact that they aren’t over exaggerated. Your story makes me think what the heck is the school district even thinking the nacho cheese might have silicone in it at this rate.


    2. Good job with adding quotes because it shows that a lot of people are having this problem. From now on I will bring my own food to school until the cafeteria food changes.


    3. This newscast was very interesting to me because I learned things that I didn’t know about and I loved how detailed it was.


  18. “Here is the tragedy: When you are a victim of depression, not only do you feel utterly helpless and abandoned by the world, you also know that very few people can understand, or even begin to believe that life can be this painful. There is nothing I can think of that is quite isolating as this.” -Giles Andrea. Picture this, when you have depression, everything you do in life is much harder. Unfortunately, over twenty million people suffer from depression each year. Also, over fifty percent of people who die by suicide suffer from major depression. In every thirteen minutes, one person dies by suicide in the United States. Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play trick on you which can make you harm yourself or another. Depression is experienced as anxiety sixty five percent of the time. Lastly, depression makes you selfish. You might be surprised to find out that it is very hard to think of other people when all you can think about is your own pain.

    It all started when Jacob, an average fourteen year old was at school. He has a little brother named Jake, a mom named Ashley, a dad, and an aunt named Karen. On Jacob’s phone, he has all the live security camera footage for the front of his house. When it came to lunch at school, he checked the security camera footage and saw that an ambulance and a bunch of police cars were parked in front of his house. Right away, Jacob called his house phone and Karen picked up. He asked what happened and she said that Ashley thought there was someone in the house. When school came to an end, Karen picked up Jacob and Jake and brought them to her house. She said that she had to talk to them about something extremely important so she sat them down. She started explaining how their mom has suffered from depression for a very long time and that she loved Jacob and Jake very much. Nest, she sadly started saying how their mom was found dead hanging by a belt. Jacob and Jake immediately started to cry feeling more sad than they have ever been. They were definitely in shock that this happened and they had tears of remorse wishing that they got her help. This for sure wasn’t The Hunger Games but it did effect all the loving people who cared about Ashley. This horrific story reveals an important lesson that if you know of a loved one with depression, get them all the help they can possibly get.

    A student at the El Rodeo School interviewed her classmates with three important questions about depression. The first question she asked was, “Have you ever had depression or do you know someone who did?” A very large majority of the class said yes. This could mean that a lot of people have been depressed which makes happy occasions sad for them. The second question was, “Do you think you should get medical help for depression?” A very large majority of the class also said yes to this question. This shows us that depression can be treated to help you realize that life is worth living again. The last question was, “Does depression affect those around them?” A very large majority of the class said yes to this one too. Most of them said yes because if you know someone who has depression, you would most probably feel bad for them and helpless to see them go through this. It is clear to us that depression is one of the most debilitating diseases and it truly is a silent killer.

    There are many ways to treat depression. One way is to exercise . Exercising can help get your mind off all the problems in life and help you realize what a wonderful world it is. Another way to take care of depression is to keep a healthy diet. Depression impacts on your diet, which impacts on depression. This is because depression leads to poor motivation and low energy which can fuel the effects of poor eating habits. The third way to treat depression is to sleep more. Sleeping relaxes your muscles and body cells which produce and store proteins to renew and restore all of your systems. You can also join a support group to help depression. Joining a support group can help because you can express your thoughts and feelings to others so they can help you solve them. The last way to take care of depression is to reduce stress. You can do this by eating healthy, reducing caffeine and sugar, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and getting enough sleep. Treating depression is definitely possible if you try.


    1. I love your intro paragraph. It goes straight to the point of what your newscast is about. I never got bored and it was a very well written essay!


  19. Cold Heart

    Days and days of pain and torment. What does it feel like? What does it feel like when everyone is attacking you? The internet is a dark place to live in. In this society, we are surrounded by social media: Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. It gives an advantage to the bullies empowering them. We are not protected by cruel comments posting on the media. “Over half (55 percent) of all teens who use social media have witnessed outright bullying via that medium.” “Victims of cyberbullying are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and to consider suicide as a result.” People of all races get affected by cyberbullying. People have to understand what is good in this world and what is not. Cyberbullying someone to a point where they want to kill themselves is the opposite of good.

    People will do about anything to make them feel more superior, even if it means to hurt someone. Sometimes there’s a limit to how much someone can do so. In December 2007, a 13 year old girl, Megan Meier was found dead. She hung herself due to cruel cyber bully. A boy named Josh Evans had requested to be friends with her on MySpace. “Megan struggled with attention deficit disorder and depression in addition to issues with her weight.” Although they never met, they would chat regularly. She thought she finally found someone who liked her for her. But not long, Josh told her he didn’t want to be friends with her. He didn’t just unfriend her, but had started to brutally attack her verbally. “The world would be a better place without you.” Not soon after Josh, classmates and friends on MySpace had started to send “disturbing” messages to Megan. 20 minutes after reading the inhumane messages, she had hung herself in her bedroom closet. “Megan died the following day, three weeks before what would have been her 14th birthday.” Megan’s story can hopefully show others that actions have consequences.

    People, especially young kids have to realize we are so lucky to have social media but sometimes, people like Josh Evans take advantage of it and use it as a negative experience for others. A girl named Carrie in the movie “Carrie” was also bullied from some kids at school. She was hurt and had later developed telekinesis and used it against the bullies during prom, killing the majority of people. This shows how Carrie fought for justice. Although it maybe wasn’t the best way, she still fought. Megan could have went against the bullies and told someone. Today, thousands of kids have to endure the cyberbullies, and a lot of the time end up like Megan.

    “Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”. This quote says a lot. Poeple have to realize that words hurt more than you think. Be careful what you say because it can lead to serious damage physically and mentally. We live in a world where you can say anything about anyone giving you the freedom of speech no matter how much pain it brings to the other person. It’s a mad world. After reading this, I hope people understand the aftermath of any type of bullying, there’s always tears.


    1. “Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”. This quote says a lot. Poeple have to realize that words hurt more than you think. I really love this quote and sentence. It says really much about bullying and how people should think. I love this story, it is instructive and she use details and good informations. And I really like how your story flows and I strongly agree with last paragraph.


    2. I really liked this newscast because I liked how it was written, I found it interesting, and it grabbed my attention to read more of it.


  20. In Israel there had been endless reports of Israelis getting stabbed. Palestinians are stabbing the Jews for reasons unknown. Some say the stabbings are for revenge. Others say that’s it is to invade or control Israel. Reports say that a 13 year old Palestinian boy had stabbed his fellow Jewish classmate. Some Palestinians teach their kids how to kill other people, but not for self defense.

    Even though this is a tragedy, this is not new for the Israelis or the Palestinians. Israel and Palestine have had problems for thousands of years yet their problems are getting worse. There had been multiple stories of stabbing, bombings, and wars in Israel. The murderers are usually being Palestinian civilians. Palestinians now kill a Jew everyday for no reason. 16 out of 20 people say that Israel is not safe. Day after day you here that someone has been stabbed or killed in Israel. Hopefully one day this reign of terror will end and we can all live in peace.


    1. This is a terrible thing, there are a lot of attacks happening in countries by a small group of people. I like how it was to the point and you get hooked to it.


  21. 1 in 10 children suffer from child maltreatment. Today child abuse is a big problem. For confidential reasons we will call our victim Tim. It was a gloomy day, Tim and I were partners for math. We had finished our assignment and were we were talking about strict parents. But then he told me that one time his dad had slapped him for getting a bad grade. Tim said it happened in his living room. The living room was large and there was a couch with a table in front of it. On the wall directly in front of the table is a massive flat screen tv. Next to that is an open area with a light beige carpet. Also theres a gray stucco fireplace. “SLAP!” His friend had asked him to come over earlier but he declined. The second he saw his dad’s face, he knew he should have gone to his friends house. Tim came home from school one day and his dad slapped him like the Hulk! He was hit so hard that he fell to the ground. Then the mom came into the room angry. At first Tim thought she was mad at his dad, but then she started screaming “YOU HAVE TWO F’s!”
    This awful abuse is unacceptable and no child should ever have to experience this. A few days after he told me the story, Tim stopped showing up to school. To this day I still wonder what happened to Tim.

    Investigators say they’ve uncovered a disturbing fight club at just about the last place you’d expect to find such a ring: a day care. Prosecutors allege teacher’s aide Erica Kenny, 22, and teacher Chanese White, 28, encouraged about a dozen boys and girls, aged 4 to 6, to battle each other on the playground at Lightbridge Academy in Cranford, NJ, per the New York Post. They were “throwing each other to the ground, hitting each other,” a prosecutor tells CBS New York. “Most parents would be astonished by the behavior,” another adds. The so-called fight club came to light when Kenny sent videos of the fights to friends on Snapchat, prosecutors say, and investigators got their hands on the footage. At one point, a voice believed to be Kenny’s eggs on the kids and quotes Fight Club, reports NBC New York. No serious injuries have been reported.
    Police believe the videos were recorded on Aug. 13 but are exploring whether this was more than a one-time incident. “As parents and caregivers, we are shocked and saddened by this isolated incident and we have assisted the prosecutor’s office from the start of its investigation into this matter,” says a statement from Lightbridge, which has since fired both women. A mother whose son was in the women’s class in the 2013-2014 school year tells “he came home with a broken finger once, and now I’m worried about what happened while he was there.” She adds the day care offers a live feed of classrooms for parents, but cameras don’t show the playground. Kenny and White both face charges of child abuse, while Kenny is accused of endangering the welfare of a child and could face five years in prison. They’re due in court on Friday.

    Every year more than six million children suffer from child abuse.According to a recent study young children are the most vulnerable to children abuse. 70% of the children that died of child abuse are younger than three years old. Of the 2012 child abuse cases, 45.3% of the victims were male and 53.5% were female. I took a survey of my classroom and 16 students claimed that they have been slapped or hit by a parent. 8 claimed that they have also bean sexually harassed.

    If this happens to you or someone you know don’t hesitate to call child services or 911. If a parent suddenly becomes aggressive its important to know haw to get away or if need be, to defend yourself. Run to a near by building if your fast. If thats not an option learn marshal arts. If you can’t do that ether, punch and kick. Make suer to ame for week spots like the juggler and privet parts. Remember you don’t have to fite by the rules you can scratch and bite.


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